Online classes : Choose an annual membership
Monthly price (billed annually)
All membership plans come with a 15-day satisfaction guarantee*
e-ateliers REAL/FAKE®
15 $
Step-by-step online painting classes for anyone who wants to easily paint artworks like the postmodern and contemporary masters.
Unlimited access to the already available 3 pre-filmed REAL/FAKE classes and to all those to come, added regularly throughout this year and beyond.
In English with English + French subtitles.
Additional information
10 $
In short videos discover essential works of art, from the invention of "Ready-Mades" by Marcel Duchamp in 1913, to the present day.
you will receive a new video every week + you will have permanent access to all the previous videos.
In English with English subtitles
Additional information
Dans de courtes vidéos sans jargon intellectuel, découvrez des œuvres d’art essentielles, depuis l'invention des «ready-mades» par Marcel Duchamp, jusqu’à aujourd’hui.
Recevez une nouvelle vidéo par semaine par e-mail + accès illimité à toutes les précédentes.
En français avec sous-titres en Français
Information supplémentaire
25 $ 20 $
e-ateliers REAL/FAKE®
To learn online how to paint unaffordable postmodern and contemporary artworks.
1) + 2) In English with English + French subtitles.
To learn onlinemore about postmodern and contemporary art.
1) In English with English subtitles.
2) En français avec sous-titres en Français
Pour That’s All en Français & e-ateliers REAL/FAKE en Anglais sous-titré en français & Anglais, cliquer ici.
*If you feel like you don't get the value from these classes and additional bonuses, please email us at within 15 days from your purchase and we will happily refund you the full amount paid, no question asked.